That's why I started this site - there are far better ways to get back wife, even if she's not willing to re-commit to the relationship yet. Knowing how to fix your marriage is just as important as the willingness to do so - it makes the difference between a happy, harmonious relationship and continued years of anger and frustration.
Listen, I know how difficult it is to lose a spouse - I've been there. It makes getting out of bed in the morning an almost impossible chore. It clouds your every waking hour with a swirl of negative emotions. It's utterly debilitating... and it can ruin your life.
After years of talking with couples who just couldn't seem to keep their relationships together, I stumbled on something that made a huge difference for these couples. It's a course called Save the Marriage by Dr. Lee Baucom. I've seen marriages turn around almost overnight thanks to this course... that's why I recommend it as the first step for people who want to restore their marriages.
Unlike marriage counseling and couples retreats, Save the Marriage costs less than a dinner out. And it works far better. Even if your spouse isn't interested in getting back together right now, you can start using the techniques contained in the course to get your marriage back on course. Don't worry, your spouse will come around.... but only if you know what to do.
Husbands, you're not going to get back wife by doing the same things you've always done. That's part of what put your marriage in trouble in the first place. You can put your marriage back together - it will take time, patience and work, but with the techniques found in Save the Marriage, you'll have the knowledge and power to rebuild a happy marriage. I know from first-hand experience, your wife will thank you!